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- While we make every effort to ensure accuracy, Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. cannot be held responsible for the content (product descriptions, availability, typographical or image errors, etc.) on this website or in any electronic or printed communication.
- By placing an order, the buyer accepts the then current terms and conditions of sale stated at the time of the sale. These terms and conditions of sale between Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. and buyer may be amended from time to time by Fort Supply Technologies without notice.
- Order and sale acceptance by Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. occurs at time of shipment.
- Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. total liability hereunder of any loss, damage, or injury shall not exceed the net purchase price paid for the products giving rise to such claim. In no event shall Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential losses or damages, even if notification has been given as to the possibility of such damages.
- Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. will not distribute/share any personal information to third parties. All information gathered during the log in process is intended for our use only.
- We may send electronic newsletters to our customers to inform them about our products, company, and services. If you do not want to receive this information, you can unsubscribe at the bottom of any electronic newsletter that we send.
- If you have any concerns regarding your privacy, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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©Copyright 2017, Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. Specifications and pricing are subject to change without notice. ®Fort Supply Technologies, FaST EID, FaST Brand, FaST eCVI, FaST Track, FaST Herd, FaST Audit, Health Tracker, Asset Tracker, Dual Tracker, Value Tracker and the company logo are registered trademarks of Fort Supply Technologies, LLC. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Windows Mobile and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are recognized or registered by their respective owners.
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